Bring One Home

On October 29, we launched an evangelization initiative in our parish called “Bring One Home.” The goal is to bring the love and mercy of Our Lord to those in our lives who are away from the Catholic Church or have never encountered Jesus and His Church. This could be someone in your family, a friend, or someone you see regularly in your apartment building or neighborhood.


Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal a person in your life he is calling you to bring home to Jesus.


With our entire St. Aloysius community, intentionally pray for this person for three months.


At the end of this season of prayer, invite this person to a "shallow entry point" event at St. Aloysius (i.e., Backpack Ministry, a dinner party, casual fellowship, etc.).


Come Holy Spirit,

We invite You to place on our hearts

a new love for those around us so that we would see them as Jesus sees us.

Set our hearts on fire so that we would desire, above all else,

to see others enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Grant us peace, for we are confident that all is in your hands.

Grant us boldness, that we would act when You prompt us.

We surrender our judgments to You.

Have your way in our hearts so others may see the heart of Christ in us.

Bring (name of who you are praying for) home to know the love and mercy of the Father.

We ask this through the intercession of the Holy Family,

St. Aloysius, and all our patron saints.



We would love to hear how sharing your faith in this way has impacted you. Take a few moments to reflect on and share your experience with us. Your story could inspire others to take that same courageous step to invite someone home to Jesus!

OCIA questions?

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, connect with Jimmy O'Leary here!

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