Looking back, yet always forward, for the greater glory of God.
Since August 24, 1873, St. Aloysius has been a place for all to encounter Christ, to grow in relationship with Him and others, and to be His hands and feet in the community. This year, as we celebrate our 150th anniversary, we look back upon all that God has done for our community, and we look ahead — to all that He is calling us to — all for the greater glory of God.
St. Aloysius Stories
Read what St. Aloysius has meant to members of our community. Click here to share your story!
"It is clear to us that the Holy Spirit has led us to St. Aloysius and is moving within the parish.”
"Sam had been in Detroit previously and had visited St. Aloysius many times. On my very first shopping day after our arrival, I remember him saying to me 'I want to take you to see a beautiful church.' He took me to St. Aloysius where I was fascinated with its unique design and beauty. "
"God answers prayers and fulfills even the dreams that we think are out of reach."
Our community is older than most things that are now looked upon as part of ancient Detroit of happy memory. While certainly unique, St. Aloysius Parish has always been so much more than a building. It is the people of God who bring the Church to life.
Through the intercession of our youthful patron, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, may this parish community continue its rich tradition of faith, service, and community, for many years to come.
Throughout this year of celebration, help us remember all that St. Aloysius has meant by sharing a favorite moment, profound memory, or powerful encounter you've experienced here. Submit a story here to see it featured on this site and our social media.
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